When it comes to finding the right garden design for you, it’s important to consider your needs and goals. Do you want an open-air space with views? Or do you need a enclosed space with plenty of privacy? It’s important to think about what kind of environment you will be living in and how much activity you want or need outside noise.

How to Choose the Right Garden Design for You.
Once you have narrowed down your options, it’s time to choose the best design for you based on your budget, needs, and preferences. Here are five tips for choosing the perfect garden design:
1) Consider what type of plants will be grown in your garden: whether you want traditional flowers or hardy annual plants;

2) Consider what type of architecture or layout is desired: a traditional rectangle or square garden;

3) Consider how much storage capacity is needed: should there be a lot of outdoor seating or just enough room for plants?;

4)consider how much foliage (green growth) is necessary: should all leaves be included or just some?;

5)Consider what style of gardening is desired: contemporary, country-style, Mediterranean flair, etc.—and decide which features are important to you.